
Hey all!
Wow, it’s been awhile. Sorry about that. I’m currently on my way back from San Diego. I broke a personal tradition today and spent Thanksgiving with my boyfriend’s family instead of my own. I guess it’s growing up though. Plus, this way he has to come to my family’s Christmas which is way better than Thanksgiving, in my opinion. At least, at my grandma’s house it is.

Today was awesome though. There was so much delicious food. I tried yams for my first time and I have to admit they were probably my favorite thing I had today. I’ve also discovered that I’m a true wine-o at heart. I can’t wait to be seventy years old, drinking red wine in a hot bath everyday.

Although, I didn’t get to spend today with my family, I still felt extremely welcomed and it was like I was amongst family. I’m so thankful for that, for my family, for my friends, for my loving boyfriend, and just for my life in general. I’m also pretty stoked for leftovers! I hope you all had a good one! Til next time.

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