
It’s so weird. I’ve never actually gotten homesick before, but now I find myself feeling more alone than ever. I just arrived in Florida a little under four hours ago and I’ve already broken down twice. One is happening as I type this, actually. I know I must sound like a spoiled brat. “Oh poor me. I’m stuck on this all expense paid family vacation to Disney World. Wah wah wah.” And I really am appreciative and super stoked that I’m here. Today has just been so incredibly stressful that it has put me over the edge.

I’m so emotional lately. I hate it. Here I am, just four hours before I need to wake up, bawling my eyes out. And why? I don’t completely know. I’m over sensitive right now and getting irritated with my boyfriend. I hate not having him here to comfort me and we’ve never been this far apart, or just apart in general for so long. There’s so much space in the condo we’re staying at that it frustrates me he couldn’t be here with me. My family stresses me out and I could really use one piece of sanity with me on this trip.

I guess I should get over it and do my best to sleep.. I’ve got a long week ahead of me.
