
Hey all! So, I think I have definitely been doing a bit better with the whole blogging thing lately. Today I randomly remembered something I wanted to post about awhile back. A few months ago, in September, Mikey and I celebrated our two year anniversary with a trip to Catalina! It was my first time going, which is pretty sad considering I live so extremely close, but better late than never, right? Anyways, I honestly had the time of my life, aside from getting sea sick on the boat ride over. 😦

When we did finally get there, I was still a bit nauseous so we went to grab a bite to eat in hopes of settling my stomach. After that we relaxed on the beach, played in the water, and collected rocks for hours. Afterwards we headed over to a mini golf course that Mikey remembered loving as a kid. I won, of course. 😉 We had originally planned on making it a day trip and returning the same night, but at the last minute we decided to stay. I won’t lie, I was definitely a little scared to get back on the boat so soon and it did take a lot of convincing to get Mikey to agree, but in the end we found a room at a cute little inn and stayed the night. We had a perfect night in with a jacuzzi sesh, pizza and beer! The next day, we got up early, had some amazing fish and chips and then went snorkeling! It was a blast! It was insane how close all the fish got to us! By the time we were done with that, there wasn’t much time before we had to head back home. I made sure to stop by a shop and buy some Dramamine so I didn’t have to worry about getting sick again. And I cannot thank those little pills enough! I slept through the whole trip back and felt fine. 

The trip was amazing. It is so incredibly beautiful there and so relaxing. I think it’s my favorite trip we have been on so far. There is no other way I would have rather celebrated the best two years of my life. ❤










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