Well, it has definitely been awhile.. I really

Well, it has definitely been awhile.. I really am awful and staying consistent with blogging, but it crossed my mind today so I figured I’d check in. Since my last post a lot has happened, obviously. Some things that happened and were not blogged about would be: me getting my license (in November), me getting my new car (in January), my new tattoo with Sammy’s ashes in it (a couple months ago), me getting a new kitty (just last month), and me being moved up to serving at my job (just last week)!

I know I have spent a lot of time on here complaining about not being able to drive and thought it was crazy that I never shared that I did eventually get my license and a car. I took an hour driving lesson literally the day before my behind the wheel test and it helped a ton but I definitely could have used a bit more practice, but somehow I passed! After that, I still didn’t really feel like I had my license because I still didn’t have a car, but a few months later my dad and I went car shopping and voila! I got a 2013 black Hyundai Accent hatchback and I LOVE it! I love my car but I love the freedom that comes with it even more. It’s so nice to be able to run to the store, or go get food, or just drive around whenever I want to. I no longer have to rely on others to get me where I need to be on time. I no longer feel guilty about my boyfriend having to do all the driving because now I can help out. Ah I just love it! 

I also finally got my sunflower tattoo with Sammy’s ashes included in the ink. It was so important to me to get this for him and I absolutely love it! My friend Buzzy Jenkins did it for me and if you’re ever in the city of Orange, check out Fine Tattoo! He did such a great job! It was definitely a painful 3+ hours, but it was well worth it. 

I finally got to a place where I was ready for a new cat. A few weeks after Sammy’s passing, M and I went to Petsmart just to look and she immediately caught my eye. She’s a maine coon just like Sam was, but her coloring was much different. I went back a few times just to look because I felt like it was too soon, but eventually I was ready. Once my mom met her and gave it the OK I went for it. Once I finally met her, I was a little worried. The woman at the adoption center told me she’s a little moody and she hissed at Mikey right away. I was seriously debating it at first, but decided to give her a chance once I heard how many people before had met her and changed their minds. She is six years old already and had probably seen a ton of kittens come and go before her. Once I took her home she was a COMPLETELY different cat! I still can’t get over it. I have had no problems with her at all. It’s been a month and I think she has only hissed twice if ever and it was never at me. She’s such a sweetie. I definitely made the right choice with her. 

After three and a half years (my job takes FOREVER to move people up) I am officially a server at my work! I have my last day of training today and my first real day this saturday. I am a little nervous, but I know once I’m completely used to it, I’ll love it. Already, the money is just so much better! I just need to get a little more comfortable with the flow of things. I had my first spill yesterday and it wasn’t even a serving shift, but it was bound to happen. I’m just crossing my fingers that tonight goes well!




That’s all for now. After tonight I have the next two days off, one of which is the 4th of July! I hope you all have a great one! 

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