Day 1.

Post a recent picture of yourself & 15 interesting facts.


This is definitely the most recent photo of myself. I took it last night before I went out for coffee & waffles with Stef.

As for the facts about myself;

  • I’m left handed
  • I can’t drive
  • I love ducks!
  • I hate spicy food
  • I’m without a doubt a cat person
  • I’m naturally blonde
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with John Mayer
  • I have OCD
  • My favorite color is yellow, but my room is purple
  • I prefer any & every song acoustic
  • My parents are separated
  • I’m from the 909
  • I work at Outback Steakhouse
  • I hate my hands
  • I never wash my face before bed 😡

My quiet place

Hello all (or probably no one)!

I decided to create this page to serve as a place where I can say anything I want without the fear of being questioned or judged. I originally started my tumblr to do just that, but with that site’s growing popularity, my friends soon joined and crashed my private party. I am hoping to use this to rant when I want to, express my excitement when needed, and just to let myself go.

In case anyone is actually reading this, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Jordan, although I’m sure that’s pretty obvious by the name of my page. I’ll be twenty years old in just two days. I’m currently a student at a community college in Huntington Beach, working to transfer to a four year to eventually pursue a psychology degree. I have a part-time job as a hostess at Outback Steakhouse. I have a wonderful boyfriend whom I have been with for a little over a year now. I have a younger brother and sister. My parents are separated, and have been for, basically, all of my life. I live with my mom and visit my dad, brother and sister as much as I can. It gets tough with school and work. The fact that they live an hour away and my lack of a driver’s license doesn’t help much either.

No, you are not mistaken. I’m nearly twenty years old and don’t have my license. I’m a huge procrastinator and my friends drive everywhere, so I’ve never had the extreme need for one, besides the occasional urge to just get out of my house. It is becoming something I’d really like to have though. I find everything is just more inconvenient for me because of it, and I actually went  to get my permit today. Unfortunately, the DMV is a pain in the ass and doesn’t accept copies of anything, so I need to get my original birth certificate and try again. But hey, the effort was there.

I love music more than pretty much anything else. I try and go to as many concerts/music award type events as I can. When I was still in high school, and my parents would pay for my tickets, I definitely went to about five times the amount of concerts I go to now, but I make sure the ones I do go to count. I am, without a doubt, a cat person. I have the fattest, fluffiest cat ever and I love him to death. My friends are my family. I love them to death and am so incredibly grateful to have their support in whatever I do. Hmmm, what else? My obsessions include: John Mayer, Gossip Girl, peanut m&m’s, All Time Low and Matt Damon. Jason Bourne is my dream man.

That’s pretty much me in a nutshell. I want to try and stay consistent with this page, but I have trouble writing on command, so no promises!
