
Guess who just got back from a magnificent weekend in Sin City! Yep, it was me! It was a last minute thing, but of course, I made arrangements with work and got my butt down there. My boyfriend’s dad had a work party there, so they rented out the Marquee club at the Cosmopolitan. We stayed in an amazing room on the 57th floor of the Cosmo where we had the most beautiful view all day and all night.

Coincidentally, a group of our friends were also in Vegas and staying at the Cosmo, so we were super excited. We became even more excited when we found out they were staying in the penthouse suite on the very top floor. It was a friend’s birthday, a friend who is pretty well off, and he had reserved a wrap-around suite. Upon checking in they apologized and said they had accidentally booked the extra room he requested, so they gave him the penthouse to make up for it. It was INSANE! The room was huge, and completely gorgeous.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get into the Marquee for the party since I’m under 21, so I just partied in the penthouse with my friends, which worked for me. We explored the Chandelier Bar which is what the Cosmopolitan is famous for. The chandelier is three stories high with a bar inside. I loved it. The second night, we went out to dinner with my boyfriend’s dad and his coworkers. We went to this crazy nice sushi place called Social House. I’m not a big sushi fan, and just an overall picky eater, so I ordered teriyaki chicken just to be safe. I took a few chances and tasted a couple rolls and random dishes, but overall stuck to my chicken and some kobi beef tacos. Oh, and the desserts. The desserts alone are worth going to this place, if you have the cash, that is. Our bill was over $600 for eight people.. Thank God dinner was on Mikey’s dad and his associate.

After that Mikey and I became an old married couple, and headed to the room for a couple drinks and some TV. The night before and the long day had completely burnt us out. Our trip was such a blast. I miss Vegas already. Although, I am happy to be back at home, relaxing in my bed.


I’ll keep this short

Last night, I got into an argument with a good friend. None of this would’ve happened had she been sober. She becomes so unreasonable and contradicts herself constantly. It’s impossible to win with her when she’s in this state, unless you’re also trashed and just want to act like a fool with her. I was drinking, but was nowhere near her level, so when she started reaching this level of ridiculousness, I’m not one to play along. She’s been a close friend for years, so I’ve gotten over sugarcoating things for her. We have a love/hate type of friendship. Anywho, last night I refused to play along with whatever game she was playing, which led to her getting heated and saying some rude things. At that point, I went home. There was no way I could spend the rest of my night with her. Both of our other friends who were there were also getting sick of her nonsense, but neither felt comfortable enough to say anything.

So my point is, if people don’t like you when you’re drunk, don’t drink. If you can’t have a few drinks with friends without the high school type drama creeping in, don’t drink. I understand that my friend, and others, feel uncomfortable in certain situations when they don’t have their liquid courage, but I’d much rather be the insecure girl in the corner without a drink than the hammered girl, slurring her words with throw up in her hair.