Day 9.

A favorite picture of your best friend

Okay, so this one is a bit difficult because I consider more than one person my best friend.. so I’m just going to post some of my favorite pictures with my favorite people!
























Sorry I went a little overboard, guys. I was having too much fun going through old photos!

Day 8.

Once again, I haven’t posted in months. Sorry guys.. Good news though, I turned 21 while I was gone! Does that excuse my absence? 

A place you’ve traveled to and where else you would like to travel

I have traveled to Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and North Carolina. Of all the places I have been to, New York is my absolute favorite. I would love to live there for a couple years one day just to try it out. I will actually be spending this New Years in New York City with my boyfriend and I couldn’t be more excited!! Somewhere I haven’t been, but would die to go, would be Australia. It has been at the top of my list for years and years, but who knows when I’ll be able to afford that trip. A girl can dream though..


Day 7.

Gosh, I am so awful at this.. It’s been nearly three months since my last post. I really have no excuse. I haven’t been crazy busy or anything and still spend a ton of time online. My apologies, guys.

What makes you happy

Hmm, this is difficult.. Not because I’m a miserable person, but because so much makes me happy! My closest friends make me happy. My boyfriend and family make me happy. Heck, a random stranger with kind words or a joke would make me happy. Things that inspire me make me the happiest I think because they give me hope. It gives me motivation to work towards something. It’s difficult to explain, but it could seriously be the smallest thing that sends my mind off running! I start thinking of the kind of person I want to be and where I want to live and what hobbies I want to pick up and I get really excited for life! 

Day 5.

Wow! I seriously suck at keeping up with this thing! I thought I was doing so well too.. 

What song inspires you?


Hmm, I don’t know if it inspires me per say, but it most definitely lifts my spirits whenever I’m in a shitty mood. Not only is John Mayer one of my all time favorites artists, and not only does his voice simply soothe my soul, but this song’s message is just uplifting and freeing in a way. The song’s purpose is to encourage people to speak up. Get the courage and confess your feelings to that guy, tell your coworker that you think they treat you like shit, apologize when you know you’ve wronged someone. Don’t bottle up emotions because getting them all out on the table is exactly what everyone needs. So, I guess this song really does inspire me. It inspires me to voice my opinion and my feelings no matter what and to not let others treat me like a doormat. Thanks John.

Day 4.

Your parents


These are definitely some of my favorite pictures I have with my mom and dad. I am so happy that today’s challenge’s focus was on my parents. My dad called me today and we had an amazing talk that lasted about an hour. He calls at least once a week just to remind me that he loves me and to see how I’m doing since I live an hour away with my mom. Today’s talk just reminded me that I am so incredibly lucky to have the father that I do. And the mother for that matter. My brother and sister have a different mom. A different mom with some major issues. I am so grateful that my mom is who she is. Both of my parents have always done everything in their power to make sure I grew up the right way. Seeing my younger siblings go through what they are with their mom shows me how amazing and carefree my childhood was in comparison. 

Anyways, I realize this post is very unorganized, but overall, I’m just trying to say that my parents are the best. Hands down. It doesn’t matter that their relationship didn’t work out for whatever reason. I never went through emotional or educational struggles because of their separation. In my mind, it was always that way and I never felt like I came from a “broken home” and I always knew they loved me just the same.


Ps. I’m definitely making my babies wear cute bows on their head like my parents did. (:

Day 3.

Your first love


My first love is my current love. Sure, there was that normal case of “puppy love” at sixteen, but the feelings were neither returned nor real. I have been with this boy for a year and a half and I am still just as obsessed with him as I was when we first started dating. He is everything I could ever ask for in a man, and more. I know I’m young, and I know we haven’t been together for a decade or anything, but mark my words, this is the real deal. My feelings for him will never change. ♥

Day 1.

Post a recent picture of yourself & 15 interesting facts.


This is definitely the most recent photo of myself. I took it last night before I went out for coffee & waffles with Stef.

As for the facts about myself;

  • I’m left handed
  • I can’t drive
  • I love ducks!
  • I hate spicy food
  • I’m without a doubt a cat person
  • I’m naturally blonde
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with John Mayer
  • I have OCD
  • My favorite color is yellow, but my room is purple
  • I prefer any & every song acoustic
  • My parents are separated
  • I’m from the 909
  • I work at Outback Steakhouse
  • I hate my hands
  • I never wash my face before bed 😡