Day 1.

Post a recent picture of yourself & 15 interesting facts.


This is definitely the most recent photo of myself. I took it last night before I went out for coffee & waffles with Stef.

As for the facts about myself;

  • I’m left handed
  • I can’t drive
  • I love ducks!
  • I hate spicy food
  • I’m without a doubt a cat person
  • I’m naturally blonde
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with John Mayer
  • I have OCD
  • My favorite color is yellow, but my room is purple
  • I prefer any & every song acoustic
  • My parents are separated
  • I’m from the 909
  • I work at Outback Steakhouse
  • I hate my hands
  • I never wash my face before bed 😡