In A Hurry.

Lately, I’ve been feeling like everything is happening to slowly. Like I’ll never accomplish the basic things I want right now. I try my best to take the necessary steps towards these wishes, but always seems to come up short.

For example, I want my license. The first time I went to the DMV they needed my original birth certificate, therefore causing me to reschedule. The next time I go, ALL of California’s DMVs’ systems have crashed. Like, how often does THAT happen? Then, I finally go, get my picture taken, take the test, and miss two too many. This is getting so frustrating especially when I start thinking about how even once I have my permit, I have to go back and pass the actual driving test. If by some miracle I pass that I still have to find a car I like and can afford.

I’d also like to be able to move out sometime in the very near future, but saving money seems damn near impossible. I work about four to five days a week for about four to six hours each shift. Although I get tips on top of my minimum wage, it just doesn’t even seem plausible for me to be able to afford even the cheapest rent. I’d like to find random side jobs to earn some extra money to put away, but that leads me back to the driving issue. I have enough trouble finding rides to work as it is without adding another job to the equation.

Christmas is coming up and I have a great gift idea for my boyfriend, but I’m starting to doubt that I’ll have the money in time to get it for him. If I did get the money, I’m afraid I won’t be able to afford gifts for anyone else. Ugh. I think this time of year is just stressful in general. It’s a shame that Christmas has turned into a time for chaotic shopping and maxed out credit cards. What happened to it just meaning cheerful people, good food, and just being around the people who matter most to you?

I’d really just like to sleep right now, but there are too many stressful thoughts bouncing around my head. And here comes a headache. Wonderful.

Sorry to stress you guys out.. haha. Goodnight!
