Day 7.

Gosh, I am so awful at this.. It’s been nearly three months since my last post. I really have no excuse. I haven’t been crazy busy or anything and still spend a ton of time online. My apologies, guys.

What makes you happy

Hmm, this is difficult.. Not because I’m a miserable person, but because so much makes me happy! My closest friends make me happy. My boyfriend and family make me happy. Heck, a random stranger with kind words or a joke would make me happy. Things that inspire me make me the happiest I think because they give me hope. It gives me motivation to work towards something. It’s difficult to explain, but it could seriously be the smallest thing that sends my mind off running! I start thinking of the kind of person I want to be and where I want to live and what hobbies I want to pick up and I get really excited for life!