30 Days.

So I’ve decided, since I can’t seem to regularly post on here, that I am going to start a thirty day blogging challenge. I’ve picked one that shouldn’t be too difficult for me to commit to, but I’ll tell you upfront that it most likely will not be completed in thirty consecutive days. I’ll do my best, but as often as I’m at home doing nothing, there are days here and there where I’m nowhere near a computer. Anyways, let the challenge begin!

Rainy Wednesday.

Well, it’s pouring. I usually am a fan of this weather, unless I’m at school, but since it started as I was leaving class this morning I’m a happy camper. I’ve been snuggled up with my cat, listening to rainy day playlists on 8tracks for the past hour. I love it. I’m about to pour myself a glass of wine and hop in the bath. I don’t care if it’s four p.m., I worked my ass off yesterday. I deserve this. Then hopefully I’ll be inspired enough to finish Mikey’s belated Valentine’s Day card. Unfortunately I was stuck at work all day and had no time to finish it yesterday. 

Also, just a small update on my life.. I got my permit! Finally! So, hopefully in just a few weeks, with enough practice, I’ll be able to pass the behind the wheel test. Look at this twenty year old, finally growing up! It’s exciting. Things are looking up. This year is gonna be mine. I can feel it.

Well, my bathtub is calling!
