
Wow. My amazing father has been nothing but loyal to your cheating, alcoholic ass in the last how many years and YOU call HIM a quitter? I know you’re almost two years sober, but girl you must be on something if you truly believe that. At this point, whether he finally divorces you or not, consider us divorced. I have a dad. I have a mom. I have a brother and a sister who don’t deserve this drama. But I no longer have a stepmother. I have kept my mouth shut for the longest time, but fuck that. I am livid. You have officially lost ALL of my respect.

Too Dependent.

Ladies I’m sorry, but I just cannot grasp the idea of NEEDING a boyfriend. Those girls who are obsessed with the idea of having a boyfriend are slowly driving me insane. It’s one thing if you’re crazy about someone and want them to yours, but to have no one in particular in mind and feel that you need a boyfriend is just plain stupid. That concept is just beyond me.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, love is awesome and all that jazz, but you should be able to function properly without someone else. Only once you are fully independent and satisfied with yourself, can you have something positive to contribute to someone else. I think most girls feel that a boyfriend will make them more confident and content with themselves, which is true. Of course having someone love you and want to be with you will make you feel confident, but you have to have a little bit of confidence to begin with to even attract someone to you. And don’t worry, I am no hypocrite. Before I was in a relationship, the only time I wanted a boyfriend was when I was completely into a specific person.

A close friend is exactly the person who needs to randomly stumble upon this post. She is so insecure with herself and feels that having a guy will completely cure that. I just want to shake her! I can assure you, no guy wants to have to convince you every single day that you look good. It’s understandable every once in awhile. Everyone has those days where they feel fat or their hair looks weird, but those days shouldn’t come every day. I feel like there is no getting through to girls (or guys) that are like this. Believe me I’ve tried. So instead, I rant. (;

Ps. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, etc!
